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Multicolored Tanager By Gina Nichol.COLOMBIA!
Choco Specialties at Araucana Lodge
March 11 - 18, 2026

Contact [email protected] to reserve your space!  

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  Registration Form(pdf)>
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Colombia is the birdiest country on earth, with nearly 2000 species and new species still being discovered regularly. The variety of habitats supports this diversity of species - Colombia is tropical yet it also has ample elevation changes due to the Andes; furthermore it has both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts.

Our new one-center tour celebrates the opening of Colombia’s newest birding lodge, offering very comfortable accommodations near some of the best birding sites in Colombia. Araucana Lodge is designed specifically for birders and nature lovers, with spacious rooms and all the comforts that ensure a good night’s rest. For those who enjoy bird photography, Araucana Lodge and the reserves nearby have excellent feeder set-ups that provide some of the best photographic opportunities in Colombia.

Aracauna Lodge entrance Lodge Room

Purple-throated WoodstarOur itinerary begins in Cali, Colombia in the western Andes at Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport (CLO) just one hour from Araucana Lodge. Birding starts at the lodge and then around KM 18 and San Antonio Cloud Forest, which offers an excellent introduction to birding in the Colombian Andes. The birding in the area is amazing, with mixed-species flocks of Multicolored, Purplish-mantled, Scrub and Golden-naped Tanagers foraging alongside Scaled Fruiteater, Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonias and Golden-headed and Crested Quetzal.

We also visit an active Andean Cock-of-the-rock lek, and bird the humid forests of the Pacific lowlands in the San Cipriano Reserve, where the habitat and the species differ dramatically from those in the Andean Cloud forests. The Upper Anchicaya Valley is on our agenda, in one of the most biodiverse national parks in the planet: Farallones National Park. In the park, the Old Buenaventura Road descends from the western Andes to the Pacific Ocean and is one of Colombia’s newest destinations to open up to birding. The road provides a mind-boggling diversity of birds resulting in a well rounded list encompassing a variety of habitats.

Join us to experience the spectacular birding that Colombia offers while staying in one lovely lodge -
the new Araucana Lodge.

Trip Cost>       Registration Form>        Go here for past trip reports>

Aracauna Lodge groundsITINERARY

Plan on flying into Cali, Colombia in the western Andes to Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport (CLO). Airlines serving CLO include American Airlines (from Miami), Latam, Avianca (via Bogota or Medellin), Copa (via Panama City) and Spirit (via Fort Lauderdale). There will be a group transfer in the afternoon to the lovely Araucana Lodge just an hour away. Settle in to your lovely room for the rest of the tour and enjoy the lodge grounds and surroundings. The group will meet in the evening for dinner (D).


Purplish-mantled TanagerToday we spend the morning around the famous KM 18, located on an 1800-meter (5,900-foot) pass 18 kilometers (11 miles) northwest of Cali along the road that connects Cali with the port city of Buenaventura. Birding can be very productive here, and we will look for four endemics – Chestnut Wood-Quail, Colombian Chachalaca, Grayish Piculet and the spectacular Multicolored Tanager. This area is a tanager paradise, where we have a good chance to see Purplish-mantled, Summer, Beryl-spangled, Flame-rumped, Golden, Metallic-green, Saffron-crowned, and Golden-naped Tanagers as well as Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager and Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager.

We hope to be dazzled by an impressive show of hummingbirds at a private house along the same road, including the beautifully ornate Long-tailed Sylph, Booted Rackettail, Blue-headed Sapphire, Lesser Violetear, Fawn-breasted Brilliant, Speckled Hummingbird, White-necked Jacobin, Brown Violetear and Tawny-bellied Hermit. Birding the forest can also produce many near-endemics such as Scrub Tanager, Purple-throated Woodstar, and Nariño Tapaculo. (B, L, D)


We will start early to take a 2-hour drive to Sonso Lagoon, a wetland gem. It is one of the only remaining wetlands in the Cauca Valley and is teeming with birds, making it one of Colombia’s best wetland birding locations. Here, we will search the marshes and lagoons that line the Cauca River for Fulvous and Black-bellied Whistling-ducks, Roseate Spoonbill, Glossy Ibis, Anhinga, Little Blue, Cocoi, and Striated Herons, Snowy Egret, Black-necked Stilt and Snail Kite. We are likely to find Wattled Jacana, which have a polyandry mating system, where females mate with many males within a breeding season. Polyandry is a fascinating adaptation that occurs in less than 1% of birds, and is most common in shorebirds. (B, L, D)

Other interesting species we might spot include the endemics Apical Flycatcher and Grayish Piculet, Jet Antbird, Blackish Rail, Ruby-topaz Hummingbird, and Horned Screamer. Along riparian areas we may find Greater Ani, Ringed Kingfisher, Crested and Yellow-headed Caracara, Red-crowned and Spot-breasted Woodpeckers, and Golden-headed QuetzalCocoa Woodcreeper. Greater Anis are fascinating because two to four unrelated pairs form a nesting group that build a single nest in which all the females lay their eggs and raise the young communally. (B, L, D)


The day will be spent at the Araucana Lodge in search of some of the targets at the lodge that include species such as Parker’s Antbird, Grayish Piculet, Apical Flycatcher, Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Bar-crested Antshrike, Spectacled Parrotlet, Scaled Antpitta, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Colombian Chachalaca and Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant.

We will also have a chance to explore the trails that wind through the pre-montane forest that is protected by the owners of the lodge and a stroll around the organic vegetable gardens is also a treat! (B, L, D)



Today starts with a 1.5 hour drive to Zaragosa, our entry point into the humid forests of the San Cipriano Reserve. There are no roads into the reserve, so access is via a pleasant ride on “brujitas,” which are motorcycle-powered wooden carts on rails that have been ingenuously engineered by the locals.


In the heart of the Choco Bioregion, the area is known for being one of the most biodiverse on the planet, but also the wettest. Some of the birds that are possible include Choco Toucan, Stripe-billed Aracari, Black-tipped Cotinga (NE), Rose-faced (NE) and Blue-headed Parrots, Spot-crowned and Five-colored Barbet (NE), Broad-billed Motmot and Purple-throated Fruitcrow and Tawny-crested Tanager. Ornate Hawk-eagle is a possibility here as well.

The area is teeming with Antbirds, with chances to see Ocellated, Jet, Stub-tailed and Bicolored Antbirds. With the high humidity and heat, it is best to have bagged species such as Pacific and Checker-throated Antwrens, Pacific Flatbill, Cinnamon Becard, Thicket Antpitta, Black-chested Puffbird, White-ringed Flycatcher, Blue-black Grosbeak, and Blue-crowned and Golden-collared Manakin before lunch. We'll work our way back to the lodge later in the day to cool down and relax. (B, L, D)




Perhaps Colombia’s most famous birding location, the Anchicaya watershed is located in the Farallones National Park, one of the most diverse parks on the planet. The birding begins just 30 minutes from the lodge via a paved road that can offer many of the Choco endemics that this mega diverse locality has to offer. The day will be spent birding along the upper portion of the road.


We will devote some time to the El Descanso area, where Rufous-throated, Glistening-green and Silver-throated Tanagers are known to occur. Some birding Andean Cock-of-the-rockat Doña Dora’s place and along the upper portion of the road will surely yield many highly prized species including the endemic Crested Ant-tanager, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, White-whiskered Puffbird, Uniform Treehunter, Sooty-headed Wren, Green Thorntail and Empress Brilliant.

One of the main targets is Toucan Barbet, sporting 5 different colors elegantly while still having a tough demeanor. We will search the skies for Barred Hawk, Ornate Hawk-eagle and Swallow-tailed Kites, while keeping an eye out for the attractive Ornate Flycatcher feeding on low branches. Another mega target is the recently described Tatama Tapaculo. After lunch the group takes a 2-hour drive to an Andean Cock-of-the-rock Lek to observe these unique birds performing. (B, L, D)

Flame-faced TanagerDAY 7: ATUNCELA DRY FOREST

On this morning we’ll visit the village of Atuncela, about 40 minutes form the lodge, where a very interesting habitat exists due to a very localized rain shadow. A dry forest with several endemic species of cactus harbors entertaining species such as Bar-crested Antshrike and Striped Cuckoo. Other targets of this area include Pale-breasted Spinetail, Golden-rumped Euphonia and the endemic Apical flycatcher and Cocoa Woodcreeper. (B, L, D)




Today, we say goodbye to this gem of a lodge and the fine staff and guides who have taken excellent care of us. Departures are from the airport at Cali (CLO).

LEADER: Jose Pablo Castillo for Sunrise Birding along with local guides


Blue-headed Sapphire Saffron-crowned Tanager Blue-winged Mountain Tanager

Contact [email protected] to reserve your space! 

Scrub TanagerCOLOMBIA
Araucana Lodge
March 11 - 18, 2026
Contact [email protected] to reserve your space!   

US$TBA per person based on double occupancy from Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport, Cali, Colombia (Airport code CLO).
Single supplement: US$TBA

Deposit: $1000 per person. Note: Tour deposits can be paid by credit card via PayPal. Use this link to make your credit card payment.  Please advise [email protected] when you have made payment.
Group size: Minimum for the tour to go ahead 6. Maximum 10.

Included in cost: Accommodation in twin rooms en-suite, all meals from Dinner on Day 1 (main tour & extension) to lunch on the last day of the tour, water, group airport transfer, ground transport throughout, all entrance fees to parks as stated in the itinerary, and services of English speaking leaders and driver.

Not included: International airfare, passport/visa fees, departure taxes, insurance, drinks, tips, and items of a personal nature such as: laundry, telephone, beverages, or gratuities for porterage or personal services.  Also, any and all costs arising from pandemic or Covid-19 related issues are not included in the tour cost and are the sole responsibility of the traveler. These include, among others, the costs of Covid treatment, hospitalization, medical fees, transport, meals and accommodation in case of illness or quarantine, and the costs of any Covid tests needed before, during and after the tour.

Accommodation: All lodges are of a good standard and offer en-suite rooms, a good variety of meals and cooked breakfasts.

Tour Code: This is a standard birding tour with regular birding stops along roads and short walks on well marked flat trails. There are early morning options and pre-breakfast excursions, followed by morning and afternoon sessions. The weather is generally good to warm, even hot, with slight possibilities of rain. Be prepared for all eventualities.


RESERVATIONS: To reserve your place on this tour:

1) Contact Gina Nichol at [email protected] to confirm availability and hold your place.

2) Review the Terms and Conditions of Booking (pdf download)>

3) Complete the Registration & Release Form (pdf)> and mail it with your deposit of US$1000.00 per person to Sunrise Birding, LLC within two weeks to secure your place. 

>Download & print the Registration Form (pdf download).
Instructions are on the form.

Reservations are held with a paid deposit on a first-come, first-served basis.

Once the tour is confirmed to go ahead, we will send you information about booking your flights.
Please do not book flights
until you receive this information from us and are notified that the trip has sufficient numbers to run. Final payment is due November 11, 2025.

**Please note: Tour prices are based on quoted costs from ground operators (in their local currency), estimated fuel costs, and the rate of exchange the time of itinerary publication. The erratic nature to global financial markets makes it difficult to predict changes in costs and foreign currency exchange rates over the long term. Since tours are priced well in advance of the actual operation of the tour, tour costs, fuel costs and exchange rates can change, sometimes drastically. Depending on the extent of such changes, it may be necessary to implement a surcharge on this tour. If a surcharge is necessary, every effort will be made to minimize the amount.

Cancellations and Refunds:
Please review our Terms and Conditions of Booking (pdf download)> prior to registering for this tour. All cancellations must be made in writing. Please ensure that you take out adequate insurance to cover this and any other eventuality as early as possible. You may have the opportunity to transfer your booking to another tour or another person, provided you are unavoidably prevented from coming on the tour. In this case, you will bear any extra costs that such changes may incur.

There are no refunds once the trip is confirmed to go ahead and no refunds will be made for unused meals, accommodations, or other trip features. Sunrise Birding, LLC cannot accept liability for airline cancellations or delays or penalties incurred by the purchase of non-refundable airline tickets or other expenses incurred by tour participants in preparing for this tour.


Sunrise Birding LLC strongly recommends that you consider purchasing a travel protection plan to protect you and your travel investment against the unexpected in case of delay, injury or illness prior to or during a tour. Travel protection plans can include coverage for Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical and Emergency Evacuation/Repatriation, Trip Delay, Baggage Loss and Delay, Emergency Medical Transportation, Pre-existing Conditions, and more. Get started here>



  • Insurance policy requirements vary and the timing of your purchase can affect coverage. Some insurance providers require that for coverage of pre-existing conditions, a policy must be purchased within 7-14 days of booking. Others, like CSA, offer policies that cover pre-existing conditions as long as the policy is purchased prior to making your final payment for the tour.

  • Trip insurance policy premiums may be non-refundable, but they may be able to be amended or transferred. Check with your insurer. It is important to be sure that the tour is sufficiently subscribed to operate before you purchase trip insurance.

  • Pay attention to coverages provided by your policy. Be aware of the requirements of country or destination can change, so check often. Some policies are now offering Covid related coverages so check with your insurer.

  • US medical insurance plans (including Medicare) often do not provide coverage outside the US. The US State Department strongly advises Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and if it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation. Consult with your insurer prior to your trip to ascertain whether payment will be made to the overseas healthcare provider directly or whether you will be reimbursed later for expenses that you incur. Be sure to get and keep all documentation of any expenses incurred.


Questions? Contact Gina Nichol at 
Phone: 203.453.6724