The famed Gaspé Peninsula runs along the south shore of the St. Lawrence River in southeast Quebec into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The stunningly beautiful north shore of the peninsula is dominated by dramatic sea cliffs, while the interior is a rugged continuation of the Appalachians ending at Mount Jacques-Cartier in Gaspésie National Park. The Gaspé encompasses impressive national parks, the famous Percé Rock, the world’s most accessible northern gannet colony on Bonaventure Island, and a range of habitats including ocean, salt and freshwater marshes, bogs, and boreal coniferous forests. It's no wonder that the Gaspé is world renowned as a wildlife destination with seabirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, and boreal birds as well as Black Bear, Moose, the rare Woodland Caribou, Seals, and several species of whale including Minke and Beluga.
Our expedition to the Gaspé Peninsula includes:
11 nights’ accommodation including 2 nights
in Gaspésie National Park cabins
Behind the scenes tour of Tadoussac Bird Observatory
Whale Watching tour at Tadoussac
Birding in Forillon & Gaspésie National Parks
Boat trip to Perce Rock, Bonaventure Island
Birding in Reserve Faunique de Matane
& other key birding hotspots
Transportation throughout
For the itinerary and to reserve your place on this tour, email [email protected] |