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Sunrise Birding LLC - Birding and Wildlife Tours LESVOS
Orchid/Wildflower Tour
& Spring Migration Birding Tour

              April 2024

Trip Report & Species List - 3 MB pdf>

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Photo: Long-eared Owl chick "Gizmo" by Paul Manning.

A Few Orchid/Wildflower Tour Highlights:
  • 25 species of Orchid in 2 days!
  • Lesbos Orchid
  • Naked Man Orchid
  • Homer's Orchid
  • Ash-loving Orchid
  • The bank of Balkan Peonies
  • Yellow Rhododendron
  • Aegean Tulip
  • Paul's efforts and expertise
  • The comeraderie of the group
  • The pace, allowing time to take it all in
  • The unexpected ouzo offering
  • The variety of habitats explored
  • Baby Spice
  • Baby Owls
Homer's Orchid . Photo © Gina Nichol.
Homer's Orchid . Photo © Gina Nichol.

Monkey Orchid © Gina Nichol.
Monkey Orchid © Gina Nichol.

Our Wildflower enthusiasts! Photo © Paul Manning.
Our Wildflower enthusiasts! Photo © Paul Manning.

Ouzo anyone? © Gina Nichol.
Ouzo anyone? © Gina Nichol.

Balkan Peony. Photo © Gina Nichol.
Balkan Peony. Photo © Gina Nichol.

Poppies! Photo © Gina Nichol.
Poppies! Photo © Gina Nichol.

Yellow Rhododendrons. Photo © Gina Nichol.

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Some Birding Tour Highlights:
  • Ruppell's Warbler
  • Flamingos
  • The Owls - Little, Long-eared & Barn
  • Lesser Grey Shrike
  • Dalmatian Pelican
  • Bee-eaters & Rollers
  • Spur-winged Plover
  • Hoopoes
  • Black-headed Buntings
  • Red-breasted Flycatcher
  • Ipsilou Monastery
  • The Petrified Forest
  • The lunch in Sigri
  • The Wildflowers, Poppies & Orchids
  • The beauty, culture, and friendliness of the island
  • Gina's driving!
  • Glass Lizard
  • Bird songs
  • The 40th Anniversary celebration

European Bee-eater © Gina Nichol.
European Bee-eater © Gina Nichol.

Birding from the top of Ipsilou Monastery. Photo © Gina Nichol.
Birding from the top of Ipsilou Monastery. Photo © Gina Nichol.

Watching Ruppell's Warbler © Gina Nichol
Watching Ruppell's Warbler © Gina Nichol

Black Storks. Photo © Gina Nichol.
Black Storks. Photo © Gina Nichol.

Eastern Festoon on thistle. Photo © Gina Nichol.
Eastern Festoon on thistle. Photo © Gina Nichol.

Birding the Pine Forest © Gina Nichol
Birding the Pine Forest © Gina Nichol

Little Owl © Gina Nichol
Little Owl © Gina Nichol

Long-eared Owl © Gina Nichol

Olive Grove © Gina Nichol
Olive Grove © Gina Nichol

Holy Orchid © Gina Nichol
Holy Orchid © Gina Nichol

Poppies © Gina Nichol
Poppies © Gina Nichol

Eurasian Scops Owl © Gina Nichol
Eurasian Scops Owl © Gina Nichol

Mount Olympus © Gina Nichol
Mount Olympus © Gina Nichol

Sheep © Gina Nichol
Sheep © Gina Nichol

Wood Sandpiper © Gina Nichol
Wood Sandpiper © Gina Nichol

40th Anniversary Party © Gina Nichol
40th Anniversary Party © Gina Nichol

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For information on our tours, contact [email protected]